Getting to a great Controller FP&A Relationship – Bill Hanna
Getting to a great Controller FP&A Relationship – Bill Hanna
With nearly 300k subscribers on YouTube, Bill Hanna’s weekly videos on The Financial Controller Channels provide his audience with lessons over a 15-year career in Auditing & Corporate Accounting. He provides inspiration and practices in accounting and finance through his videos and courses “Designed To Save You Years of Learning” (as one reviewer wrote “I have learnt more with you than 3 years studying accounting and finance”).
In this episode:
- How I stumbled into accounting
- Lessons in accounting leadership
- The power of mentoring teams about mistakes I make
- FP&A vs controller
- The accounting crisis affecting the CFO’s Office
- My accidental influencer journey
- Bringing practical explanation of concepts through one company followed across the course
- The accounting concepts needed to get to CFO
- Having a wife who is also an accountant
- Being a Mac user using Excel
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-hanna-cpa-7653a851/
YouTube channel (Financial Controller) https://www.youtube.com/@TheFinancialController
Courses: https://controller-academy.com/

Damon Fletcher, ex-CFO of Tableau, on Great Analytics
Damon Fletcher, ex-CFO of Tableau, on Great Analytics
Today’s guest is perhaps the leading CFO name in data and analytics, the ex-CFO of Tableau and DataRobot. Now as Founder & CEO at Caliper, Fletcher draws on over a decade of executive experience at the intersection of finance and analytics. At Caliper, his mission is transform cloud cost and usage data into actionable insights
In this episode Fletcher discusses
- The relationship between analytics and the CFO
- Subscription, net dollar retention, customer retention, and annual recurring revenue as key metrics
- Getting from CFO to CEO and the learning curve
- How we rely on AI and predictive ML and seasonal patterns to find anomalies
- Getting to base analytics and starting in AI
- Challenges and waste with cloud and holding engineers accountable
- The opportunity to save 30% on cloud spend
- Moving from Excel to Google Sheets
Connect with Damon LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/damon-fletcher-bb8a6614/

From a deep struggle with personal skills to Storytelling Leader
From a deep struggle with personal skills to Storytelling Leader
Walmart, Kraft Heinz, Blue Rock Therapeutics, and the Four Seasons hotels are just some of companies that regularly invite Ron Monteiro to coach their finance teams in storytelling. But Ron’s success followed decades of fear in presenting and public speaking in FP&A settings. Starting in accounting at Hitachi (“Ron Monteiro: “it was actually the only job I could get”) the CPA and CMA was inspired by a manager who gave him direction and mentorship doing FP&A as Kraft, as well as work over a decade in daily overcoming his debilitating fears. Now he delivers a playbook to teams across the world where finance is “expected to be at the table, not just tactically, but strategically.”Ron is also the author of a new book: Love Mondays which draws on his experience and interviews with finance leaders.
In this episode
- Fear of public speaking I’ve carried through my life
- Kraft Foods and a leap of faith from my manager
- 15 years at Kraft with 7 jobs and five promotions including FP&A manager, analyst and director
- Transforming Kraft FP&A into strategic value: Kraft Singles and “Getting Our Shit Together” meetings
- Brendan Flynn’s leadership of finance at Kraft developing future finance leaders
- The downward trend of FP&A post 3G Capital’s buyout
- CPG and the essential metrics
- Learning what you can do to grow – listening tour as business partnering and putting your hand up
Love Mondays! A Proven Process to Bring Joy Back Into Your Work Week and Life Paperback by Ron Monteiro https://www.amazon.ca/Love-Mondays-Proven-Process-Bring/dp/B0DPMTVYY3

The Consolidation King on Working Better with FP&A – Charaf Bourhalla
The Consolidation King on Working Better with FP&A – Charaf Bourhalla
“Consolidation. A lot of people don’t know exactly what it is. They think that it’s just an aggregation of numbers. Like you just add numbers, but it’s more technical than that. Most of the time when we are talking about consolidation, it’s international big groups that have subsidiaries around the world. Consolidation is the process of converting those financial statements normally built locally, because they have to be compliant with the local requirements and be compliant with the GAAP of the group.”
Charaf Bourhalla has been Head of Consolidation at Nestle Skin Health, Vimian Group and Edify Investment Partner. He holds several key certifications, including the FMVA from CFI, ACCA with a focus on IFRS, and the PMP from PMI. His posts on LinkedIn reach millions of people explaining complex topics simply such as IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements, AS 16 – Property, Plant and Equipment and AS 1 – Presentation of Financial Statements.
In this episode:
- From years of struggle, to Kimberly Clarke as a reporting analyst to entering a pharma company as business controller
- 13-year tenure as a consultant developing a deep understanding of IFRS, USGAAP, French GAAP, and IPSAS,
- 3 Jobs as Head of Consolidation including Nestle Skin Health with 70 subsidiaries around the world
- Simplifying complexities of financial consolidation and non financial KPIs
- Secrets to working with FP&A for consolidation and forecasting and building a mid-term plan
- Continual training for teams in subsidiaries
- Technology and complexity changing the consolidation game
- How Charaf called in when a company found itself consolidating more than 70 legal entities using Excel
- Not to pick consultants with partnerships with only one provider
Connect with Charaf on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/charaf-bourhalla-04760a1b/